Access levels provide the ability to specify different degrees of channel privileges (voice, protection, etc.) for users, specified by the “access level”. Unless otherwise specified, assume default access levels in examples.
Understanding access levels
Access levels can be confusing at first, this section will try to clarify what they are and how to use them. The default ChanServ access levels are listed at Default Access Levels.
Retrieve a list of the current access levels:
/msg ChanServ LEVELS <#channel> LIST
Give a user named “JoeSoap” voice (+v) in the channel #testchannel so he may talk even when the channel is moderated:
/msg ChanServ ACCESS #testchannel ADD JoeSoap 30
If, for example, you have 100 users in your channel (with the default access levels) with access level 30 (i.e. get auto-voiced by ChanServ on joining of the channel) and you want to promote them to channel operators, there are two options:
- Change all users' access levels to 50 (assuming default access levels)
- Change the auto-op level to 30
Set the auto-op level to 30 as follows:
/msg ChanServ LEVELS <#channel> SET <type> <level>
Specific to our example:
/msg ChanServ LEVELS <#channel> SET AUTOOP 30
/msg ChanServ LEVELS <#channel> DISABLE AUTOVOICE
Trouble free access levels
There are some shortcut commands for managing the most common operations in an easier fashion. More information about these can be found by reading Maintaining Access Lists.
Listing access levels
List the current database of users and their respective access level:
/msg ChanServ ACCESS <#channel> list
Adding a user to the access list
Add a new user to the access list with an access level:
/msg ChanServ ACCESS <#channel> ADD <nickname> <access level>
Modifying a user's access level
To change a user's previously set access level, use the same command as for adding a new user with the new access level.
Deleting a user from the access list
Delete a user from the access list:
/msg ChanServ ACCESS <#channel> DEL <nickname>